Friday, December 29, 2006

...The Laughter...

Memories are really the only valuable things we have aren't they? And even they fade away over time...I'm sitting here in my office and the sun hits me on the face as it descends. Like some sort of teleportation beam it sends me back in time and I start to think about my former life in Asia, the feelings and smells of being there and of being young...more specifically I think of Bangkok...

...the smell of brand new pencils, erasers and paper, always reminds me of my first day at school in ISB. That in turn leads to other mnemonic triggers of the times and places. Of Bangkok, I remember the humidity, the contrasting temperatures inside classrooms and in our open air hallways. The smell of earth after a long day of raining as you walk from one class to another. The smell of pot and cigarettes lightly caressing your face in the wake of your friends' parade to class. The scene accented with the skewed look on the faces of teachers they pass. The smell of CK One, Tommy, Hugo Boss, Davidoff, Versace, all sure signs of that inner child trying its best to grow up, coming off of your friends you sit next to, mixing in with the smells from the kitchen in our open air cafeteria. All of these sensations leading to the feelings and the emotions harbored deep within myself. Those little gems, byproducts of youth that we can no longer wear but simply look at and admire like visitors to a museum starring at a beautiful relic of the past....

Positive perspectives, love affairs with life and the people in it, drama between friends, drugs, alcohol, sex, music...all mixed into one big ball of emotion which created one hell of a ride. The raw energy we all had just emanated from within and being in Bangkok simply facilitated our hunger to go out and also catered to that desire.

I was fortunate enough to live downtown and everything was accessible to me at anytime. Being downtown was great...the loud noises, heat, humidity and smog rolled into each other...the smell of chicken and pork sate being cooked on the street, fresh fruits, people's faces, tall buildings, beer gardens...ah yes...I have a special place in my heart for beer gardens.

...when I was in Bangkok and couldn't be on a beach drinking cheap beer then I had two options (at least, downtown), one; you go to Larry's Dive which is just a beach themed indoor bar with sand poured all over the floor (Note: I left in 2000 so some places may no longer be there). I lived on Thanon Witthayu (Wireless Rd.) which is right next to the beginning of Sukhumvit Rd. This is important to know because there are a lot of bars off of Sukhumvit Rd. and if you continued on Witthayu Rd. you would soon find yourself very close to the Silom area which of course is famous for Pat Pong and the nightlife there...anyway, Two; my favorite Beer garden is on Sukhumvit Soi 5, right next to a hotel across from Foodland (yes, Foodland does exist there). Open air, Thai pop/rock (sometimes a Clapton, Marley or Bowie rendition thrown in the mix), pitchers of beer for nothing and cheap eats. Laughs, so many laughs we had at this beer garden. I keep referencing the heat and humidity and this is because these two are your constant friends in Bangkok. They are with you everywhere and therefore become a key memory.

What I would give to be there today, to laugh like that once again. I walked away with a memory. Every time I look back and plunge myself into this world there are less and less details. It is like someone is pouring paint thinner on my painting. In the center of it is me and my friends at the table laughing, and all around us the pieces of the painting are fading…the colors around the center melt into one. The details being blurred, and eventually all that will be left is the laughter…

"I still believe in paradise, now at least I know it is not somewhere you look for, because it is not where you's how you feel for a moment in your life. If you find that moment, it could last forever." - The Beach

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The Cure - In Bewteen

yesterday i got so old
i felt like i could die
yesterday i got so old
it made me want to cry
go on go on
just walk away
go on go on
your choice is made
go on go on
and disappear
go on go on
away from here
and i know i was wrong
when i said it was true
that it couldn't be me and be her
inbetween without you
without you
yesterday i got so scared
i shivered like a child
yesterday away from you
it froze me deep inside
come back come back
don't walk away
come back come back
come back today
come back come back
why can't you see?
come back come back
come back to me
and i know i was wrong
when i said it was true
that it couldn't be me and be her
inbetween without you
without you

…Holding My Breath…

…I need to stop holding my breath…It is a funny fact about me…I guess it shows my true idealistic form…my hopes for something more in people…I talk about how much the future holds for me, and I have to stay strong during these tough times where no one seems to be around…it is like walking through a dessert, walking away from something…in my heart I know that the only thing I have is myself and my future…and yet it is hard for me not to look back hoping things, hoping people from the past would change, could understand me and come looking for me…if not at least to convince me to stay but at the very least to offer me a helping hand into my future...
…people say that if you want something from someone you had better go ask or else you can forget about receiving it…I can see how that applies to more tangible, material things, but I am not sure how applicable that is to emotion; how do you ask someone for understanding?...or consideration?...I am not sure…I would like to think that people are a bit more intuitive and can pick up on certain messages…
…I drop hints though…y’know, I say some things, some covert, some blatant…just to see if they hear that inner me…not many people listen…and even less hear at all…too much white noise…
…I ask myself if I have reached a point where I have deviated significantly from the norm and perchance therein lies my lack of emotional contact with those around me…it makes me sad to say that, I guess, I always have deviated from the mean…I watch my friends from a distance and realize how much they are a part of that norm…they don’t think they are…they talk as if they are, many think that because they have lived in different places or have traveled significantly that they are different…yes, they are more worldly…but when it comes to the human spirit how far do you have to travel just to understand the person in front of you?...I would say however far your voices can travel…it hits me when I see how people deal with other people and how they deal with their inner selves as well…that’s when you see it clearly…it doesn’t matter what your opinion is of the situation in Iraq…how you feel about Philipp Morris having bought out the largest tobacco company in Indonesia…what would happen to the US economy if China does not peg the Yuan to the Dollar…daily applicability; on a micro level, when it comes to human interaction, they are just like everyone else…it makes me sad to think of it…especially for the ones that I was very close to…
…I realize that I truly am too many standard deviations away from the mean….in the sense that I interact at a different level…I am not saying it is a better level…simply that in my current setting, I am an outlier, beyond the bounds of this society’s margins of error…Those of you reading this who find this a great thing, ask yourselves if you really believe so…or are you just like everyone else?...could you do it? is ‘cool’ to not be in the ‘mean’…I’ll use Indy Rock as an example…is Indy Rock really all that Indy now? you really think so? Look around you…I wonder what would happen if people who think they are totally Indy took off their Dolce & Gabbana aviators, wash out the hair product holding up their perfectly coiffed ‘messy look,’ took off the blazers with the perfectly placed rips which they bought at Urban Outfitters and look at themselves…could they look around at the people they hang with and walk away after realizing they don’t really give a damn…would they come looking for you when you get lost in your dessert?...
…A small part of me is hoping they would come looking…my mother always told me to aim for the best but to never expect the best…this one piece of advice has gotten me through a lot… I need to stop holding my breath…no one will arrive, I don’t even think anybody realizes that I have already left…I need to breathe and look forward…but it is so hard not to hope…I feel like the lone traveler who wishes to bring along someone or something from his past…but alas, there is so much of life ahead of me, so much I have to do, I just can’t wait anymore, not for anyone, not for my past…I have so much to see and so many dreams to live out…

Photo By: T. Kocourek 2002

Friday, December 15, 2006

How Do You Want To Be Loved?

How do you want to be loved? Every time we go through things in life we learn something new, or perhaps I should say we learn something more about something we thought we knew almost everything about. It is like studying ancient Egypt or Rome every year from second grade until high school. Same subject, but every year its something a little bit deeper, just a twist on some aspect of it that changes the whole story.

I find it to be the same way with relationships. Every time we find someone or every time we loose someone we learn something more about ourselves as individuals and as a partner. The whole identification of wants and needs, what is important to you and what, no matter how small or ridiculous it may seem to the world, would make or break a relationship no matter how much history you have with the other person. It is something so important to you that you know your life with that person would just not work out without this essential thing because from there lies a lot of what makes you happy and what keeps you from falling into pieces when things are tough (I mean as an individual not as a couple). It is so important to consider how you want to be loved. I was asked once ‘what if that person did not have it? Is the relationship doomed?’ Well, no. Everything in life is in degrees. For one, you can learn or try, and it also depends on the degree to which that person may or may not have it.

So I ask, how do you want to be loved? Do me a huge favor and just post your answer to this question, anonymously or not it doesn’t matter. I suppose I should start.

I want to be loved with confidence. I think I am such a strong person every hour of my life that it would be a life saver if someone could be strong for me, for once. In fact I know, now more than ever that I need that to stay sane, to stay a happy person. When shit hits the fan I want to feel like the other person is doing everything she can to keep things together even though I can’t go on. I am not saying I won’t do anything and just be lazy, that’s not possible for me, its just not who I am. What I mean is, in relationships I do a lot of fighting, I go every extra step to show that I love someone. I tell everyone I know all the great things about that person, I am there for that person all the way no matter what, I would fight for them even though it is me that is getting hurt. I love and give unconditionally. No one has ever fought for me wholeheartedly and unconditionally. It seemed like in my last relationship if I broke down she broke down with me. I was in a relationship where I would protect the one I loved from negative thoughts from everyone including my own family, and yet, it was never reciprocated. In return all I received was an explanation that it was how her family was and that is that. I guess it showed me that I would never be a part of it. There are times when I would complain to someone about her and right after I get it all out I follow up with at least one reason why I loved her. Those are just two examples and it used to hurt so much thinking about it. It is interesting because when I think about my recent breakup, I mean the actual breaking up, she hardly put up a fight. Something inside of me was wishing that she would, to show me that maybe it is in her, the fight, so many times I remember telling her all of these things that would keep me close to her, but she never got it. Something inside of me was just screaming out ‘after five years you still don’t understand that all you have to do to hold on to me is to pick me up when I am down, to grab me by the collar and yell I LOVE YOU AND I WILL NEVER LET YOU GO!’ It did not happen, and inside I knew that this was the essential reason why it had to end for me. I did not realize it then, but I realize it now that I can look back and look inside of myself. I don’t regret anything, but it is a sad story.

This is why I say, ask yourself how you want to be loved. No matter how perfect everything is, things will begin to fall apart if you are not being loved the way that you want to be. For those people asking, ‘how the hell do I love someone the way they want to be loved?’ Why not start with the obvious; love them the way you want to be loved and go from there. Keep your ears open, listen, understand, consider and most of all reciprocate because chances are they are loving you the way they want to be loved.

If you are being loved the way you want to be, as I am sure some of you are (I hope most of you are), I ask you to describe it, embrace it, let it out…it just shows how much you really do love them…too shy? That is just you getting in the way of your own feelings…

So, how do you want to be loved?

"2 The Altar"
Photo By: S. Tobler
Malmo, Sweden 2006

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

G-Chat is one thing to write about your thoughts and it is another to execute them.
This conversation revolves around my having chosen (to a degree)
to follow through on my thoughts...

3:46 PM
me: how am I?

Yagrua: yes

3:47 PM
me: I really cannot tell you how I am...
I wish I knew
I mean
I guess I am Ok...healthier, working...

3:48 PM
I am different would be the best answer

3:50 PM
Yagrua: is different better than before?

3:52 PM
me: how do you mean?
in terms of a State?
or in terms of a person?

3:53 PM
in terms of a state I feel like this is all I am not sure if this is all really happening

3:54 PM
Yagrua: isn't life kinda just like that in general?

4:00 PM
me: well, no. Not for me at least. Life is a happy thing to look forward to and to share with people. Not some fog you can't see through that you simply let pass by...
Something to experience

4:01 PM
I mean detachment is a good thing but I would like to think that life is a bit more than just watching and feeling through a glass window

4:03 PM
Yagrua: is it b/c you don't feel like you are in control right now? that you are just watching things go by?

4:06 PM
me: I have made the decision to watch things go by at this time, I am in control but addictions are a hard thing to get over. Habits are a real bitch and most of all companionship is something that I embrace. I don't like being a loner. It is different when you are traveling on your own because the world is your companion, but I like to share myself with people and quite frankly I have chosen not to do so with anyone here because I think everyone is shallow and no one really wants to understand anything except themselves and if they did it would be for their own self gratification and not for the actual connection with that person....

4:07 PM
its like most conversations I have with people are interviews
either for philosophical interaction
or to get off on themselves
or both

4:08 PM
I guess what I am getting to the days go by I realize there aren't many people worth being with
on any level

4:09 PM
I don't mean to sound so elitist

Yagrua: but are you limiting yourself? you'd rather be alone than socialize

4:10 PM
me: but it is kinda hard to 'just have fun' with people you thought were closer...they won't let you...
What I mean is

Yagrua: i understand what you mean

me: you cannot change and expect everyone to change with you
you cannot expect them to suddenly see you as a person you just have fun with because that is not what it was beforehand

4:11 PM
Yagrua: so you're saying is that ppl want to have a deeper level of friendship with you but you can't offer that b/c you feel there is little in common and b/c they cannot empathize?

4:12 PM
me: Sort of....
people feel entitled to a deeper friendship with me because of a couple of things:

4:13 PM
A: Just because I listen well people think THEY know I am suddenly a close friend when in fact I am not at all because they do not reciprocate ...they are too into themselves that they cannot see where you are coming from or even realize that they never even ASKED or CONSIDERED your position....

4:14 PM
B: They went through the motion of being my friend...y'know hanging out for a long time is supposed to create some sort of connection when in fact all it creates is habitual hanging out and a sense of what a friendship is like

4:15 PM
Yagrua: you are so right on that

me: I don't really think there is anyone here in DC that can shoot me a one sentence FACT about who I really am...

4:16 PM
and it is unfair because I can almost do it to everyone
then again...
I recently came to a realization that I do have an uncanny ability to understand people and read them

4:17 PM
Someone referred to it as a gift and I never realized that not everyone could do what I was doing
and perhaps therein lies my dilemma

Yagrua: it is a gift, and it's also somewhat of a downfall

4:18 PM
you obviously are feeling the downside to it
but do you think that its just Americans that make you feel this way? b/c you know a lot of non-Americans, and do you think they are superficial friends too?

4:24 PM
me: Not necessarily
And yes they can be superficial friends too

4:25 PM
the way I see it is this,
There is a level of courtesy around the world that Americans tend to be blind to
and that is simply (in laymen’s terms) giving someone the time of day....
Europeans are good at this
They may or may not care about you

4:26 PM
but they will give you the chance on the soap box to explain
and from there judgments are concluded [Note the word concluded not made]
Asians are a bit different
to a degree

4:27 PM
it is just that in Asian society it is he who lets the other use the soap box first who is judged
usually for the better
do you know what I am saying?

[It is important for the reader to know at this point that I am not making generalizations without a degree of experience. I am half Asian, half European. The person I am conversing with is half Asian, half American. Both of us have lived in Asia, I myself, spent 10years of my life there and about 6 in Europe. Both of us graduated high school from an international school in southeast Asia.]

4:30 PM
Yagrua: so you feel that TD is one of the very few that you feel reciprocates true friendship

4:31 PM
me: Once again, to a degree...
TD will look out for you so long as he is having fun
with you
He is not a very good support person

4:32 PM
when times are tough
at least for me

4:34 PM
Yagrua: you've really thought about this...

4:35 PM
and i'm not sure how to respond..
i totally get what you're saying, but are you willing, for the time being, to put up with it until you leave?

4:36 PM

do you feel its right to cut down on friends, instead of taking it at face value knowing that it will end soon?

4:37 PM
and also, i know you have friends that GET you, but is it also safe to assume, after coming to your conclusions, that things, people, can change?

4:38 PM
me: Am I willing to put up with it?

4:39 PM
two choices: Pretend or be true
still have not fully decided
Do I feel that it is right to cut down on friends at this point?

4:40 PM
Yagrua: i mean, is it worth all the agony if you are planning on leaving soon?

me: but the agony is not having friends that understand either or...the agony is still there

4:41 PM
It is worth cutting down on those friends but it is important to try and make new ones that….
that I can have fun with
ones without too much of a history behind

4:42 PM
can you further explain your last one?
do you mean is it safe to assume they will always be there?
or understand me?

4:43 PM
Yagrua: that becuase you have this gift, that this isn't going to be an isolated incident or one that will go away once you leave the US

4:44 PM
me: I guess it is a mater of degrees...
This is not a completely foreign feeling for me

4:45 PM
I had it before in other countries but people are less self-centered in other countries

4:46 PM
One day I am going to find someone who can reciprocate and mark my words… I am going to hold on to that person until the day I turn into dust
I think that is my only shot at finding peace with this dilemma

4:47 PM
me: It would be too much to ask for a group of these people in one physical location...

4:48 PM
Yagrua: but better to have them scattered than not at all

Friday, December 08, 2006

Go For It...

I know that my previous posting about snakes was a bit angry so just to lighten things up I am going to tell you a story about my friend the Tiny Dancer.

Ms. Ocean came to visit last week and I decided that, in order to be a good host, I would show her more than just DC. My friend, Mr. Lovin’, happened to be in the process of moving down to North Carolina and had been talking about how cool Wilmington was. So I decided, why not take her there? Sounds like a cool beach town. I mentioned it to Ocean and she was game. I also mentioned it to my other friend, Tiny D.
Side Story

Tiny D got his name from one night out at a club called Fur. Fur isn’t exactly the best club I have been to but Tiny D always goes there because of the DJs that come through. In any case his name is a derivative of his dancing style and his stature. He is not huge and he dances a unique style reminiscent of the River Dance and traditional Balinese dancing…except to electronic music…and only to electronic music cuz he dances differently to hip hop.

‘…Now back to the lecture at hand…’

Tiny D was game as well, especially after I mentioned how cheap it was down there and the availability of certain…local produce. The crew had been assembled and the flight plan was simple:

Take 1-95 South until you get to 40 East.
Duration: 6hrs (with stops and holiday traffic)
Meet Lovin’ at a bar by the beach.

I would take the first shift and Tiny D would take the second. Ocean would just get to chill, of course since she is visitng. We would leave at 11AM and arrive around 6-7PM. That was the plan.

The night before Ocean, Tiny D and I went to Fur (the afore mentioned club). It was not a crazy night or anything but it was great to juat dance. Ocean and I stayed at the hip hop scene the majority of the time while Tiny D would switch from the Electronic room to hip hop. We all went home afterwards (around 4ish) and passed out…except for Tiny D who didn’t catch any Z’s until 8AM.

The following morning everyone was feeling great and ready to get out of DC (who isn't?). I packed CDs, 1st and second season of Arrested Development to watch in my car and everything we needed for an overnighter. As soon as I get to Tiny D’s place he comes out all ready and VERY energetic. He insists he can take the first shift and so I agree. We get a call from Lovin’ and we decide to meet on I-95S, since he did not end up leaving the night before, which originally he was supposed to.

After some traffic and about 4 or 5 episodes into season 1 we finally catch up to Lovin’. Unfortunately Tiny D was so focused on the show that we ended up a mile behind Lovin’ and really had to catch up. Fed up with Tiny D's imitation of driving Ms. Daisy, I tell him to go to the next Gas station so we can fill up and switch. I got into the car and it was a smooth cruise most of the way.

We got to Wilmington around 8ish; just enough time to chill and get ready for the evening ahead. The first bar we went to was a bit quiet. Nothing much going on but it was interesting nonetheless. I definitely felt like a city boy, but I took it all in anyway, I thought it was great. To the right of me Tiny D is chatting up some girls. I was surprised given the fact that it wasn’t his usual style. In fact I don’t ever see him chatting up girls. It was at that point that I thought to myself ‘I haven’t really seen him with a girl before.’ A mission manifested itself in my mind. I felt a sense of ‘Things could happen for him…no, really, I can help make things happen.’ This quickly turned into ‘I know I can make this happen.’ I felt a sense of pride as if though I were crusading for something glorious.

I presented my mission to Tiny D who accepted it with a grain of salt, probably thinking ‘Whatever.’ His acceptance simply fueled the flames and I was totally on; I put on the game face and decided ‘I am going to be the best wingman this guy has ever had.’ I decided upon a strategy; Since Ocean was there, what better lead could you want? Girls will always trust a female stranger sooner than they would a male stranger (I believe this is referred to as common sense). Ocean would be our ice breaker and Lovin’ and I would be wingmen. What exactly does a wingman do?


Well, I am glad you asked. Wingmen minimize the occurrence of extraneous variables getting in the way of your friend meeting, or getting to know, a member of the opposite sex…or same sex….it doesn’t matter. Let me use the example of the ‘Pick and Roll.’ As most of us know a Pick is a play in basketball wherein an offensive player sets up a pick (stands next to a defenseman perpendicularly making a “T” formation so that it would block or make it difficult for the defenseman to move) so that his offensive teammate could move in the direction of the pick and go for the basket. The idea is similar for a wingman. If the person with which your friend wishes to engage has a friend (defenseman), your job as a wingman (no matter what he or she looks like) is to ensure that you are sufficiently engaging that friend in conversation…or drinks…or any activity not involving the person your friend is interested in. The primary objective of the wingman: Find as much alone time for your friend as possible. This applies to both men and women. A wingman is also there as auxiliary support. If you notice your friend is ‘losing’ him or her it is your duty as wing person to make him or her look better; Take the hit if you have to…just remember, Karma. Married people are the best wing persons by the way simply because they don’t have to engage in the silliness, karma has no effect on them and they find it all amusing. ANYWAY, another part of the auxiliary role is make sure that your friend doesn’t overdo it. I refer to this as ‘Offsides.’ Don’t let your friend overstep their bounds; they can’t expect to stand in front of the goal waiting for you to pass the ball nor can they expect to simply hook up immediately…that’s just rude! Keep things classy people! Anyway, I’m sure there are other intricacies of being a wing person which I have not covered but this should suffice for the time being. If you wish to continue this conversation with me leave your name and number in the comments section. My office hours are 7PM-12AM Mon-Fri EST.

...back to Wilmington...

After the first bar Lovin’ took us to another bar with a live Reggae band. I was all about it. I was feeling good and totally feeling the place. We drank there for a little bit and just had a good time. I noticed two girls on the dance floor and I was telling Tiny D that he should go up there and start talking to them. Nothing came of it except the kind of laughter when translated comes out to: 'Really? You think so? Nahhh...wait, really?.'

Eventually one of Lovin’s friends came by and took us to a party at another place just a few steps away. This place was not as fun as the Reggae bar but it was $2 drinks…all drinks….Très Très Dangereux!! After a few shots and rail drinks we started dancing. Everyone was dressed up in black and we were all in jeans and t-shirts. After making fun of ourselves for a little bit we decide to go back to the Reggae bar.

I was sufficiently sauced at this point and I noticed the two girls still dancing. I walk up to Tiny D to reconfirm out mission. This time the mission statement changed to ‘This is going to happen tonight!’ The troops gathered up and we made our way to the dance floor. Tiny D did not waste anytime at all and he began talking. Lovin’ steps up and engages the defenseman…err...I mean her friend. Ocean and I just enjoy the scene and continue our march on towards Margaritaville…or was it Tequilatown? Piñacoladaburg? I don’t remember…maybe it was Funkytown…no, no it was Mojitoisle!

So we were dancing and eventually we all decided to get going. Turns out Tiny D and Lovin’ did such a great job that we were all invited back to the ladies’ place for a nightcap. We sauntered on over their abode, Ocean and I are completely LIT! I could barely move and by the time we found a couch Ocean was already halfway passed out. As soon as I walked into the girls’ place I noticed two aquariums with ball pythons in them. ‘Interesting?! What kind of girls are they?’ As I sit in my drunken state the first thing that is handed to me is a mason jar filled with a clear fluid inside and a label on the outside talking something about Moonie. I have never had moonshine in my life and I really do not look forward to having it again. It leaves the taste of stupid in your mouth. What I mean by that is, as soon as I took a drink the first thing I said was ‘Oh God, that was stupid.’ (Note New Policy Update: Don’t drink clear liquids from a mason jar!). The stuff was disgusting and the rest of the night was a patchwork of images to me...

I recall Tiny D having the time of his life and Lovin’ was all over the place. One image I remember was Tiny D handing over a glass filled with red liquid over to Lovin’ and telling him to try it. He does and immediately exclaims ‘Dude, what the Fuck is that!?!’ the response was not any better: ‘Moonie and Cranberry.’ Unfortunatley my cosmopolitan friend tried to bring an urban feel to a rural drink. Not always the best of ideas.

At one point I remember they started playing ping pong…the whole thing was a fuzzy montage, their movements looked almost digitized to me. During a break, Tiny D came up to Ocean to ask her advice on the situation and her analysis of the female counterpart in question. He had made significant headway, the pick worked and the door was open, all he had to do was walk in. I am not sure if it was the state that she was in, but the oracle spoke pure wisdom: ‘Go For It.’ So simple and straightforward. She has spoken, Tiny D got the green light, just 'Go For It'...

What I clearly remember before passing out was that it was time for me to go…when we finally got home we all crashed immediately…no wait…I think I may have had a Krispy Kreme doughnut first.

I awoke the next morning wondering why I was fuly clothed but thinking and feeling that I had done good. I accomplished the mission, he did not believe me but we got him there. I felt like shit, my voice was gone I was about to fall back asleep but then I hear a shuffling on the floor next to me. I sit up to find Tiny D trying to get up and make his way to the kitchen for water. Lovin’ was passed out on the couch…so we thought. As Tiny D walks past Lovin’ all I hear is

‘Dude, she asked you to go get condoms….
....but you ended up sleeping here!’

Mission: nearly accomplished.

P.S What is was that whole thing about leading horses to water?


This totally made my day. This is exactly what I was talking about in my previous posting ('My Precious'). Thought I would share. Here is to awesome people!

'From your blog it seems like you are dealing with some heavy stuff so I thought I would send you this picture because you can't look at a sea otter and be angry -- not possible.'
-Ms. Otter
Picture by L.R.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Snakes in the Grass

Watch out for snakes in the grass. They may not look like snakes at first but eventually intentions reveal themselves. Snakes have a tendency to work their way around things. They are all fun and games until they get caught or feel threatened. That is when they start to try and protect themselves. So they do their due diligence; research, snoop but they won't ever confront you about something. They get off on thinking they find something on you so that when the time comes, if the time comes, that you may or may not step on their tails, they have venom to their bite. It’s the lying which is the true characteristic which defines the snake. It’s pretty sad actually, perpetually lying, hiding, making up stories, snooping around, such losers. Since they create so many lies which they have to live, it is logical to assume that snakes are paranoid. Paranoid of being caught, being exposed and seeing their self image fall to the ground in pieces before the very eyes of the people they try to impress. Their realities are so distorted that they eventually trip on their lies and get caught.

When they get caught they curl up and suffer because they cannot handle the shame. The shame cripples them, no where to run, in the spot light; they pour their hearts out in front of you, convincing you that they are not a good person and that they know they have not been a good person...but why now? Why pour your heart out now when you have finally been caught? I know why, because they are snakes and snakes play games. This is the last resort tactic. Other animals do it too, they play dead for example or loose a tail. It is an escape mechanism; they concede to a higher court for forgiveness or shall I say, they play the pity card.

The most pitiful thing is their sense of self worth. They act as if though they are the closest friend that you could have, the most trustworthy, like they do everything for you. Yet their paranoia gets in the way and that is when they start preparing themselves. Just remember that at any sign of betrayal on your behalf and they will retaliate and use things against you. Things that you trusted them with and things they think could hurt you.

So what do you do against such a creature? You play their game and you do your research, you send out your spies and set them up in different locations so that when the time comes, instead of combing through the grass looking for the snakes, you just burn down the field and watch him try to crawl out. You gather your evidence, find out what he thinks is precious, most of the time it is pride and image. Soil it and you have cornered him. Beware though, chances are that a snake always has a way out and chances are they are ready to strike...there is only one way to get immune to their venom; you inject yourself with it. Then you play the snake...but how? Wouldn't you like to know....

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Coffee Talk

Imagine one of those days you wake up and everything is the way it should be. There is nothing in particular that you have to do, the sun is out, and your coffee smells great. You stand in front of the window looking out at the world and what it has to offer. All in all it is a perfectly normal day. There is nothing special about it until she wraps her arms around you as you stand in front of the window looking out. Her warm skin presses up against yours. A sensation of comfort makes its way from the base of your spine around to your torso as if though she had some sort of invisible cloak she were enveloping you with.

As you peer into the horizon you see both of your reflections transposed onto the landscape. There is nothing but the future for the both of you, nothing in the way, the world is your playground, you have chosen to share it with this person and it feels great. That sense of companionship and being with someone is so precious. You may not have the flexibility you once did when you were single but when you can come home at the end of the day to someone who loves you, that flexibility means nothing in the long run. What are you going to do with it when your friends are partied out? When all the people you hang out with every weekend is about ten years younger than you because they are the only ones who still want to party after all, they are young and single? I am not saying get married, but it is just that when you do not have anyone to share life with what happens to you?

I think of the lonely people that I know as well and ask myself if that is what I want to end up like. Of course, the loneliest people never seem to be the loneliest. They usually seem very active and have a great nightlife with tons of friends. I know many such people. Although, there is one person I know who is single, past the point of being able to have children and that doesn’t have a ton of friends, dislikes to party, and I wonder if she is lonely. To me such an existence is extremely lonesome but it seems that she embraces this solitude. Not for a pious, artistic or even an honorable reason. She just needs to be alone. She once told me that there was only so much of her boyfriend that she could take; they saw each other maybe 3 times a week. Interesting, I think.

All the partying in the world cannot amount to that feeling of comfort, or love and contentment that only someone special could bring. I think of all of my friends who have gotten married or are going to be married. I wonder if they have the kinds of mornings I am talking about? You know…when you can wake up next to someone look over and actually know their name…I am kidding. What I meant to say was, when you open your eyes and find someone else’s eyes watching you in absolute admiration and love. As soon as you wake up you feel great just being there with them.

Monday, December 04, 2006


I turned 25 a week ago tomorrow. I would not say that it was a highly memorable birthday but I do have to admit that it was well representative of the state I am in now. It was quiet, a bit awkward and left me with a feeling of wanting to change. I am not unhappy or sad about the whole thing not being a huge celebration, there will be a time and place for those big celebrations. I feel good not being affected by it actually. I am taking more and more comfort in my detachment from where I am physically and who I spend my time with. Albeit, it is a bit lonely at times, but that is just a price to pay.

One cool thing that I did do was go to a Thai temple to get blessed. It was a relief, like a weight off my shoulder. At first I did not know how I felt after the blessing but the more I think about it, that visit to the temple really made my day. It made my birthday so much better than what it would have been had I not gone. During the blessing, I thought about all the positive things in my life and all the wishes, dreams and wants that I had. It felt really good because while I did, the monk prayed for all the negativities in my life to be swept away. I am not sure exactly why it feels good to have some spiritual backing or cleansing, I guess it reduces the whole ‘I am alone in this Universe’ feeling.

The thing about taking the Buddhist approach is that it is more inner development and inner strength focused as opposed to an external deity. I was raised Catholic and I find that being blessed by a monk is so much more relieving and revitalizing than confession is. I won’t delve further into that.

In any case, the universe seems to be unfolding the way it should be for me. The sequence of events taking place isn’t exactly great but I’m learning a lot about myself and where I want to go.

So Weit Wie Noch Nie

I like the words to this song. A bit sentimental but so am I...

...wir hören ein singen im raum...
...wir jagen die monotomie...
...wir machen aus stunden ein jahr...
...und mondschein aus unserem haar...
...wir fliegen so weit wie noch nie...

Song Name: 'So Weit Wie Noch Nie' by Jurgen Paape. It can be found on the DJ Kicks album by Erland Oye. The Translation is the best of my abilities...

...we hear a singing in a room...

...we hunt down the monotony...

...we make years from an hour...

...and the moon shines from our hair...

...we fly as far as never before...

My Precious

Year after year we get farther away from our memories. Tennessee Williams once said ‘Time is the longest distance between two places.’ I cannot agree more. It seems as if despite how long you may have spent away from people you shared your life with, that distance can be reduced no matter what so long as pure honesty and uninhibited truths are the methods chosen to execute such a task. There is a certain something within us all that is so uniquely ones’ own that even the individual himself is not able to run away from it or change it. We may speak differently, look differently and perhaps we may look at life through tainted filters after the years and experiences have established themselves in between the folds of our lives. Yet it all comes down to a matter of perspective and that unique something is what establishes that perspective and has been establishing those perspectives since we were born into this world. That uniqueness is what reacts to the nature of time and the experiences it holds; it determines how we look at things and how we approach life. It is the very basis from which we decide our futures. At the same time this uniqueness’ are the only buoys we have to hold onto while we float across the great unknown, with fate as an undercurrent pushing and pulling you this way and that. All we can do is swim as hard as we can to get to where we want to be, hopefully we catch a good wave and fate gets us ever closer.

We may or may not like who we swim with but it appears that we as humans, as superior as we are, cannot choose who we get to build our experiences with. In essence it is much like a smaller representation of my earlier analogy; we can swim as hard as we can towards whomever we want to share our experiences with but there is no guarantee that it will happen. Some of the best life experiences I have had have been with people I never liked. I call them great life experiences because I don’t ever want to be in that position again and I know what I do not want in my life any longer.

It is great when you do find people to swim with though. You are able to share your uniqueness with them and, that being the solid basis of your relationship with that person, creates a commonality which can always be recognized no matter how much time, pain and happiness has passed the both of you by. Just to be fair, it would be imperative that whomever you reach out to accepts that uniqueness wholeheartedly, otherwise it would just be an uneven balance. Albeit, it is comforting to know that despite how transient we human beings are, the permanence resides within. Much like anything that is meaningful in one’s life. Moving around all of my life I realize that what makes me up is the only thing I have in this world that is truly precious.

The uniqueness an individual posses is the only real thing that anyone really has in their existence. Once you are able to reach out and share that with someone you are able to establish something amazing. The experiences we have in life feed that inner uniqueness, it grows it and nourishes it. It is unfortunate that most people would rather buy the accessories to create that uniqueness as opposed to simply letting it live on its own. Protect this distinctiveness by letting it grow on its own. Expose it to full light and water well with life.

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