Thursday, May 24, 2007

...And In This Moment I Am Happy...Happy...

It was a beautiful late summer day. Has it really been this long? The sun pierced through my car’s windshield and landed softly on our skin. It seems so much longer than that, so much has happened. The rays warmed our bodies. So many changes. She made this happen, it feels good to know that. It is like having to re-learn someone. It feels good when she just decides something and takes you along for a ride. So many small things change, and there are a lot of new big things to get used to. You feel so loved. It is the big things that are shockers. I felt so loved, felt like I was where I was meant to be. I never thought I could ever change so much. The winding, country road adds to the feeling of being at the right place, a sense that you are supposed to be here. I have to admit I wonder if she notices the changes in me. We pull over into one of the properties. I can’t stop looking at her, it has been a while. We make our way between the rows of grape vines. I look for all the details, scanning her eyes for answers to questions I haven’t even asked. The sun passes through the foliage around us casting hues of greens and yellows onto our faces. She does the same. We look at each other, thinking about the taste of Chardonnay in our mouths. There are so many things to ask. Buttery? Where to start? Indeed it was. How to start? How about a different one? Why not start anew. Fruity. So we did. If only the wine was as good as the beauty of our surroundings, onto the next place. It felt good. Driving around with her felt so right. It was like finding your best friend again. It was like being on an adventure with someone you could never get enough of. Except this time there is a slight difference. Like nothing in the world could make a difference. There is something there. There it is. Something new. The winding road leads us to the King Family properties. It seems out of place to me because it was only slightly there in the past. A little bit out of the way but never the less, its surroundings were beautiful. Yet now it is pronounced. Lots of horses. Confident. The driveway on the privately owned vineyard took us deep into the property. Confidence where there was only a slight hint before. We pull up to a small building, park the car and make our way around to the entrance. It was so new. Rosé. So refreshing. Tastes just like summer. It emanated in her very being. Sauvignon Blanc. Shining out into to the world through her eyes. Crisp and fresh. It was such a breath of life. Chardonnay. It complemented all the changes, small changes but just right. Smooth. Fine tunings. Pinot Noir, Cote de Nuits Villages 2003. All coming together to make a whole. Perfect. Where were you before? I thought. A heavy, passionate taste. It doesn’t matter. The warmth of the wine embraces me. All that matters is now. That sensation of equilibrium returns. I wonder what is to come. Polo matches in the summer. Does it matter? I remember feeling, We have to return. So long as you enjoy what you have today.


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