Friday, April 27, 2007

Einstein was right....

It is pretty intense when other people's fears throw you off of your path. It is even more intense when it is someone really close to you that tries to convey that feeling of fear into your world. The use of fear and scare tactics as strategy to convince someone of a better path is kind of like guerrilla warfare on one's psyche. I guess there are several ways to approach these types of encounters, here is some I could think of off the top of my head:

I. Approach it like a test - - do you really believe/want whatever it is you believe/want?

You can always ask yourself if you really believe in something or really want something, but when you hear it from someone else, when you hear a different voice question your inner dialog it is a bit more challenging to engage. It makes you verbalize your inner thoughts and convictions regarding the matter - - that's why some people get very defensive when it comes to questioning their motives.

II. Take it as insight into a situation - - did you take their perspective into light?

Sometimes you miss a certain that so bad? We are only humans.

III. Heed the warning!

You could always chicken out and let your convictions fall through under the weight of scrutiny. That's a bit harsh...but there is some truth to it!

The common denominator in all three of these scenarios is that at the end of the day, whatever it is these nay-sayers and fear mongers throw your way, the only thing that matters is how you interpret it. In fact I am noticing that more and more with life in general. All the good and bad stuff, that is all in your head. Granted I am still trying to figure out what position I should take when thinking about my car that is in the shop right now because someone nailed it while it was parked in Georgetown. I wrote it off as karma, I must've done something really dumb. I leave you with a quote, which I run through my mind everyday, from a man who possessed one of the most powerful minds the world was fortunate enough to have witnessed:

"Great Spirits Have Often Encountered
Violent Opposition From Mediocre
- A. Einstein

Stay Strong, Your Conviction is Powerful!


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