Friday, February 01, 2008

Looking Back, Forwards, Up and Down

My life is full of mini ambitions and I am not quite sure how to put them alltogether. I think of last year - the learning experience, the growth, the pain, the fun and lonliness. It is like little fragments of yourself, each a personality of its own, and who you are is determined by which one of those little guys dominates your soul and eventually your brain.

I am moving out again. Another marker in my long list of notches indicating the various changing points in my life. Seems like the older you get the more of these you notice. I have to accept the fact that I am obsessed with change and most of all observing it. Internal changes are my forte.

I turned 26 a couple of months ago. Realized there was still so much that I want to stuff into my twenties before moving on to the dreaded 30s. No offense to anyone out there readng this 30+.

Wedding season is definatley all around me, all my friends that is. It is like every other person is getting married. I went to two in Oct, one of which I was in. Friends from the past are married, more are getting engaged, it seems like I am planning to go to weddings more so than I am planning to go on vacation which is simply faux pax in my world.

Speaking of traveling, my life's blood, I am thinking of a couple of places to visit. I am overdue for a visit back to S.E.A, so that is on my list for the summer. I was also considering Brazil and perhaps somewhere in Sud America. The thought keeps me going.

Yes - I am still in the US. The District is quite hard to get out of, not sure what it is exactly about this place, and I don't say that in a loving way, more like that feeling of having an invisible strand of hair on your face that you can't find. You end up loking like an idiot trying to get it off of your face until the feeling subides and you return to idiot mode again when it reappears seemingly moments later.

My blogs keep me going. Colliding Continents is my new baby and I am doing pretty well with it, not enough time in the day though. Go figure. It is this real world work thing that gets in the way.


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