Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Forks In The Road, Forks In My Heart

Being here in Africa has given me the opportunity to think about my life at the moment and where my life is headed in the future. At the moment I am having a hard time deciding what it is that my heart is trying to say. Actually, I know what he is trying to say, but I am not sure if he should be saying it. I believe him, his message is strong and true - - yet I am scared to follow his words without question. At times I find myself seeking something solid, as if though I am asking for something, anything to let me know that he is right. It almost feels like I am asking God for a sign to tell me that I am doing the right thing. We all know that is too much to ask. That decisions like these determine one's future and current character. Everything that is my very being is insisting that I should just go with it, that it is what is meant to be. I am quite confused and yet at the same time quite happy. How? How is that possible? This is so because in the midst of all the confusion I think of all the amazing feelings, all the sensations I feel when I was with the most important person in my life. I hold close to my heart the very idea of what I would do and all that I could give with every atom of my exitence, to that person...and around me the whirlwind continues to howl. Ripping apart everything around me except for what is important. I should probably just follow my heart and trust in it...I just can't stop hoping for a sign though.


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