Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Snakes in the Grass

Watch out for snakes in the grass. They may not look like snakes at first but eventually intentions reveal themselves. Snakes have a tendency to work their way around things. They are all fun and games until they get caught or feel threatened. That is when they start to try and protect themselves. So they do their due diligence; research, snoop but they won't ever confront you about something. They get off on thinking they find something on you so that when the time comes, if the time comes, that you may or may not step on their tails, they have venom to their bite. It’s the lying which is the true characteristic which defines the snake. It’s pretty sad actually, perpetually lying, hiding, making up stories, snooping around, such losers. Since they create so many lies which they have to live, it is logical to assume that snakes are paranoid. Paranoid of being caught, being exposed and seeing their self image fall to the ground in pieces before the very eyes of the people they try to impress. Their realities are so distorted that they eventually trip on their lies and get caught.

When they get caught they curl up and suffer because they cannot handle the shame. The shame cripples them, no where to run, in the spot light; they pour their hearts out in front of you, convincing you that they are not a good person and that they know they have not been a good person...but why now? Why pour your heart out now when you have finally been caught? I know why, because they are snakes and snakes play games. This is the last resort tactic. Other animals do it too, they play dead for example or loose a tail. It is an escape mechanism; they concede to a higher court for forgiveness or shall I say, they play the pity card.

The most pitiful thing is their sense of self worth. They act as if though they are the closest friend that you could have, the most trustworthy, like they do everything for you. Yet their paranoia gets in the way and that is when they start preparing themselves. Just remember that at any sign of betrayal on your behalf and they will retaliate and use things against you. Things that you trusted them with and things they think could hurt you.

So what do you do against such a creature? You play their game and you do your research, you send out your spies and set them up in different locations so that when the time comes, instead of combing through the grass looking for the snakes, you just burn down the field and watch him try to crawl out. You gather your evidence, find out what he thinks is precious, most of the time it is pride and image. Soil it and you have cornered him. Beware though, chances are that a snake always has a way out and chances are they are ready to strike...there is only one way to get immune to their venom; you inject yourself with it. Then you play the snake...but how? Wouldn't you like to know....


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