Monday, December 04, 2006

So Weit Wie Noch Nie

I like the words to this song. A bit sentimental but so am I...

...wir hören ein singen im raum...
...wir jagen die monotomie...
...wir machen aus stunden ein jahr...
...und mondschein aus unserem haar...
...wir fliegen so weit wie noch nie...

Song Name: 'So Weit Wie Noch Nie' by Jurgen Paape. It can be found on the DJ Kicks album by Erland Oye. The Translation is the best of my abilities...

...we hear a singing in a room...

...we hunt down the monotony...

...we make years from an hour...

...and the moon shines from our hair...

...we fly as far as never before...


Blogger KitKatKarin said...

Beautiful. I love it.

12:23 PM  

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