Tuesday, October 31, 2006


To my Beloved Sunshine,

I will never forget you my dear Patsy, I will always love you no matter where you are. I know that you are too young now to remember me in the future when you are fully grown, but I hope that somewhere inside of your heart you have made a small place for me. Somewhere next to your favorite toys, your favorite snacks and snuggle time I hope that you will always find me with my arms open waiting for you to play.

I know that we will see each other again sporadically over the next few months. Although, when we meet I will no longer be your father. It kills me to say that. You have saved me so many times from the dark sadness, the empty loneliness and you have always been there gushing with love, full of light, for me and everyone around you. I wish your mother and I could have provided better for you, provided more love, for you certainly deserve so much better than what we are giving now.

It seems silly of me to be so close to tears writing this to you when I had written so many other emotionally charged postings without shedding a single tear or ever coming close to having watery eyes. I know that you will be happy with your mommy, and I know that your mommy is going to need you more than ever now; so you take good care of her and snuggle hard! Try not to tear up too much stuff in the new place!

I love you Patsy. If I could take you with me I would take you all over the world. I will never forget your beautiful face looking up at me with such loving eyes. You are my first baby, and you always will be. Don’t forget me, my dear, dear Sunshine.

All of my love,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI - I was debating for awhile whether or not to try to contact you because you have so much going on right now. This sounds quite stalker-ey, but Jennifer Tan (Soemantri) and I were talking about you at my wedding a few weeks ago, and I googled you and found your blog. We went to NJIS together, my name is Lori Rosmus and we were actually good friends. I don't know why we didn't quite keep in touch over the years, in fact Jen is the only one that I've managed to maintain a friendship with. Christian Hildebrandt emailed me awhile ago, but I think we ran out of things to talk about. Anywho, I just wanted to write to you and tell you that I understand (as much as I can, anyway) what you're going through as someone who has spent a great part of their lives moving from place to place... if you don't remember me I understand, it was a long time ago.

1:43 AM  
Blogger globetrottin99 said...

...so there you are....out of the great white north like some specter of the past! I was wondering who in Canada was reading my blog...it is great to hear from you again. We need to get into proper touch. How shall we do this...without getting stalked by internet freaks...um...do you have friendster or myspace? or messenger?

9:15 AM  
Blogger globetrottin99 said...

I have an idea. I am going to give you my old email. Remember my nickname? Ok well if you do add it to the beggining of this:


1:10 PM  

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