Friday, October 20, 2006

Kindred Spirits

Nothing feels better than connecting with someone you know you are meant to connect with. It is like as soon as you lock eyes with that person you instantly know. It is a bit scary, exciting and just awesome . A lot of your energy just starts to focus on that person and you get a rush like you've known that person for ages. The best is when they disagree with you because that is when you know they think for themselves. Not jut another "yes" person. They are the ones without the conditions, these connections do not have expiration dates. They would never use anything against you, feel like you owe them something, or feel like they deserve better. They just are, and for that they are beautiful. I am lucky enough to have three such people in my life. They have always unconditionally reached across and never backed away. There is a very special connection with all of them, unlike others to whom you would have to tell all your problems to verbatim, these three pick up on it without having to see me, without being near me at all. Two live 8 hrs from me and the other is just even farther away. I will refer to them as the Rock, the Forest and the Ocean. The Forest always calls when I am going through significant changes in my life. I don't have to tell her, she just calls, out of the blue. The Rock, who lives close to the Forest, is like a solid foundation. No matter what I am going through he will be there and always has been, unconditionally. The Ocean, the newest addition to the all star line up, is the most intense at the moment. I can't even begin to describe that connection because it just surpasses so many expectations of what you look for in another human being. This is my support group. It is hard not having them around on a regular basis but I am lucky enough just to have found them in the first place. They are just a phone call away and that is all that is needed. Sure, you always need a support group around you but if you have your all star line up you are good to go. Having an immediate support group is great logistically and technically, but finding kindred spirits is a different story. That connection transcends almost all barriers. The Rock and the Forest are settling down, not with each other mind you. My good friend Mr. Rock got married not too long ago. I was a groomsman for his wedding and I am very proud to say that it was my first groomsman role. It will be great to have those two as anchors. Ms. Forest is going to get married soon and I will be there for that too. I have to be, she won't have it otherwise. Ms. Ocean is not settled down. To me she represents what the right perspective on life should be. Or, should I say, what I believe the right perspective on life as well. Without their support this process which I am undergoing would be so intense and would probably break me. Just like working out, you break the muscles and they reform "stronger." I would break and the whole molding process would begin anew. Before it hits me I am back to who I did not want to become and would pass off this "realization thing" as some form of vacation residue. It is funny how that is what most people want me to go through. They want to see me crumble and just be the 'same ol' me' that everyone remembers and liked. It is easier that way you know.

I have to say that there are two other people that have been there for me before. One of them does not know what I am going through right now just because he is far away. The other knows and has been great at just helping me through all of this. I don’t call them kindred spirits but these two are my “Leave Your Bullshit At The Door” kind of guys. They make sure that I am always having a good time, and they do their best to do the same for themselves!! I will refer to them as Mr. Rhyme and Mr. Lovin’.

Mr. Rhyme lives on the other side of this country. He is pursuing his dreams and took the big step of leaving this miserable place to do so, all on his own. He has never been one to settle down. He has always been there whenever I needed it. Unlike my three other friends he cannot tell when things are going wrong but he certainly knows ho to cheer me up.

Mr. Lovin’ is even more of a free spirit. Talk about a guy that is not tied down. He is definitely a happy go lucky kind of person. When he gets lucky he gets really lucky, although he hits the extremes and bad luck hits just as hard as good luck does. The great thing about him is that he can take just about anything life hurls at him and still hold a smile.

Mr. Rhyme and Mr. Lovin’ are actually very important people in my life in that they also keep things in perspective for me. They remind me to have a good time, that we all have our problems to deal with. Without these two I would have found myself in some definitely unhappy ruts.

Fortunately for me I have these people in my life. Not many others can say that, well, they may be able to but I wonder how well they know their friends, are they willing to put up with your shit? How long for? Are they even actually going to be there?


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