Thursday, October 26, 2006

Realease Them

A white light fills my universe. I can’t hear anything I cannot see anything. I look at my hands and it is a black silhouette against a backdrop of pure light. This is the great unknown, the gamble. Where I lie does not matter. I think of everything that has happened. I think of everything I have given up. I think of my parents and their fears for me. My friends, my real friends. I think of the mentors I have in this world who probably do not know that they are my mentors. I think of her…did I do her wrong? Or did we save each other? I believe we saved each other. I think of what lies ahead, happiness awaits me in another land. Happiness waits to wrap her arms around me in a huge embrace.

I begin to see color. Orange streaks come out of the distance. Followed by a blue, then a red, violet, green, yellow, black, white, pink, peach, was perfect. It was my sunset. I look down at myself, my clothes are tattered, I am cut and bleeding. On the beach sitting on the sand was that little boy. He looks at me briefly, I notice that the bright light was no longer emanating from his very being. I make a motion towards him but he puts his hand up as if to say ‘stop!’ He points at my heart and he points at the sunset. Immediately I knew. I did not bottle the light, the dreams, into a small package to protect. I let it into my heart and it now reflects on the outside world, my dreams on the inside, and my sunset on the outside.

I begin to ask him what happened to her and the little girl but he put a finger to his mouth and told me to listen. In the distance I hear laughter, it was her. I squint my eyes and down the beach the little girl ran around her playfully. Getting close to her and getting away from her grasp just as quick. Her elusive dream. Will she ever catch it? It is no longer for me to ponder.

I look at the little boy as he walks slowly up to me. He points to a cut on my chest. ‘It will heal one day, soon.’ I reassure him. He begins to back away. The little girl appears out of nowhere. They look at each other. She comes running up next to me. My sunset has disappeared and is replaced by millions and millions of stars. The dreamers walk towards the water holding hands. When their feet touch the water they face each other again, one last time. Something grabs them by the hands and leads them away from each other, is it fate? I do not know. They look back over their shoulders at each other as they are being led away, their right hands clasped by another being, like they were being led away by their parents. They manage one last wave 'bye-bye,' before they disappear into the stars.


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