Thursday, November 30, 2006


I just woke up from a dream and I did not want it to end but at the same time I wish there were more that could've been expressed. At least, thats what the past week felt like. Ms. Ocean came to visit me for one week and it was great…yet, I feel like I did not make enough use of it. I was so focused on having a good time that I neglected to get a lot of things out. It was the perfect opportunity for me to just let out a lot of emotions and I did not. It is so frustrating. Hindsight is always 20/20 huh?

In any case, it was good to have her over here because it got me back into the discipline I had originally set up for myself when I first got back from Europe. I have been steadily slipping back into the old ways and old habits since, this past week kind of just helped me put everything back on track. It is amazing that she can see all of these changes within me and she hasn’t even known me longer than some of the people here who cannot read me at all. Some thoughts from Ms. O…

‘…We've never finished the conversation about you being different in CH and the U.S. In my eyes you were more opened here in CH, in terms of every day life like the way you walk down a street, or walk around in the mall,.. In Switzerland I saw you much more looking at people passing by, I mean not just looking at them but sensing them. But this is something I’ve experienced for myself that americans are more reserved and attitude is very important for them. Like that it’s like nothing returnes if you look at them. Another point is that you cared more about what people think about you or what people could think, in the U.S than you did here. Or let me say impressions you give them...’

She is spot on, I am becoming more concerned about all of the unimportant things again.

She is an amazing person, she has a way of never letting you forget about how great life can be just by being herself. She exudes a natural sense of optimism which is highly contagious. Some people always look on the bright side of life, this woman actually lives there! She has proved to me that who I want to become is already inside me, he just has to take a step out on his own. She is one of the reasons why I want to get out of the US so badly. I am extremely lucky to have found her. When you know people like that it is very synergetic; things come together so naturally. Ja ja.


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