Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Coffee Talk

Imagine one of those days you wake up and everything is the way it should be. There is nothing in particular that you have to do, the sun is out, and your coffee smells great. You stand in front of the window looking out at the world and what it has to offer. All in all it is a perfectly normal day. There is nothing special about it until she wraps her arms around you as you stand in front of the window looking out. Her warm skin presses up against yours. A sensation of comfort makes its way from the base of your spine around to your torso as if though she had some sort of invisible cloak she were enveloping you with.

As you peer into the horizon you see both of your reflections transposed onto the landscape. There is nothing but the future for the both of you, nothing in the way, the world is your playground, you have chosen to share it with this person and it feels great. That sense of companionship and being with someone is so precious. You may not have the flexibility you once did when you were single but when you can come home at the end of the day to someone who loves you, that flexibility means nothing in the long run. What are you going to do with it when your friends are partied out? When all the people you hang out with every weekend is about ten years younger than you because they are the only ones who still want to party after all, they are young and single? I am not saying get married, but it is just that when you do not have anyone to share life with what happens to you?

I think of the lonely people that I know as well and ask myself if that is what I want to end up like. Of course, the loneliest people never seem to be the loneliest. They usually seem very active and have a great nightlife with tons of friends. I know many such people. Although, there is one person I know who is single, past the point of being able to have children and that doesn’t have a ton of friends, dislikes to party, and I wonder if she is lonely. To me such an existence is extremely lonesome but it seems that she embraces this solitude. Not for a pious, artistic or even an honorable reason. She just needs to be alone. She once told me that there was only so much of her boyfriend that she could take; they saw each other maybe 3 times a week. Interesting, I think.

All the partying in the world cannot amount to that feeling of comfort, or love and contentment that only someone special could bring. I think of all of my friends who have gotten married or are going to be married. I wonder if they have the kinds of mornings I am talking about? You know…when you can wake up next to someone look over and actually know their name…I am kidding. What I meant to say was, when you open your eyes and find someone else’s eyes watching you in absolute admiration and love. As soon as you wake up you feel great just being there with them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel like so many of the "perfect" moments my life I have only realized after they have passed. Only after they have been picked apart, analyzed, and replayed in my head a thousand times...do I realize the perfection. And even after all of that...most remain unexplainable and irrational.
Funny how real perfection can not be fully recognized by thought, but only by feeling.

11:22 PM  

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