Thursday, November 30, 2006


I just woke up from a dream and I did not want it to end but at the same time I wish there were more that could've been expressed. At least, thats what the past week felt like. Ms. Ocean came to visit me for one week and it was great…yet, I feel like I did not make enough use of it. I was so focused on having a good time that I neglected to get a lot of things out. It was the perfect opportunity for me to just let out a lot of emotions and I did not. It is so frustrating. Hindsight is always 20/20 huh?

In any case, it was good to have her over here because it got me back into the discipline I had originally set up for myself when I first got back from Europe. I have been steadily slipping back into the old ways and old habits since, this past week kind of just helped me put everything back on track. It is amazing that she can see all of these changes within me and she hasn’t even known me longer than some of the people here who cannot read me at all. Some thoughts from Ms. O…

‘…We've never finished the conversation about you being different in CH and the U.S. In my eyes you were more opened here in CH, in terms of every day life like the way you walk down a street, or walk around in the mall,.. In Switzerland I saw you much more looking at people passing by, I mean not just looking at them but sensing them. But this is something I’ve experienced for myself that americans are more reserved and attitude is very important for them. Like that it’s like nothing returnes if you look at them. Another point is that you cared more about what people think about you or what people could think, in the U.S than you did here. Or let me say impressions you give them...’

She is spot on, I am becoming more concerned about all of the unimportant things again.

She is an amazing person, she has a way of never letting you forget about how great life can be just by being herself. She exudes a natural sense of optimism which is highly contagious. Some people always look on the bright side of life, this woman actually lives there! She has proved to me that who I want to become is already inside me, he just has to take a step out on his own. She is one of the reasons why I want to get out of the US so badly. I am extremely lucky to have found her. When you know people like that it is very synergetic; things come together so naturally. Ja ja.

Monday, November 20, 2006

..unexplainable. It just IS..

This is what I mean when I say they
really FEEL me.

'I had a dream about you last night. We were back on Koh Chang sitting on the beach watching that incredible sunset from years ago. We were sitting there,....not talking...and all of a sudden you jumped up and dove into the ocean. You changed into a dolphin and bounded through the waves...letting the sun swallow you up in the distance. I woke up with a good feeling. I am pretty sure your heading in the right direction.
Thought I would share...
Love you.
(Ms. Forest)

Photo: The Perfect Sunset
Photo By: S. Tobler
Location: Koh Chang, Thailand 2000
This image is an image of an image (I don't have access to a scanner!)


I find that whenever I try to make changes in my life threre is a period of time when nothing is really happeneing on the surface. Beneath it you are making changes but in order for you to notice the changes you have to stay focused and consitent. It is in that strange silence, that strange incubation period when things really count. You are really tested in terms of how much you want that change to occur. It is always during that strange silence where I find myself to become unsettled, confused, beggining to question my motives and worst of all I am unable to form any real conclusions. They say it is always when you are about to quit that things change for the better. I belive in that just because I have lived that scenario so many times over in my life. Throughout the process though, you just wander around hoping you are doing things right.

It would seem as if thought I were feeling my way through the darkness but it is not like that. Being in the dark would imply that you have no control over the situation. In this case I do have control over the situation. There is a door behind me and a door in front of me. In between is just nothing, not grey, not balck just emptiness. I look back and that door is getting smaller and smaller. I look ahead and that door doesn't get any bigger, it is still as small as it was to begin with. What do I do? Do I go back to what I know before that disappears all together or do I forge ahead and hope for the best?

One of the worst feeling I discovered, for myself, was when I looked at what I had in my hands, what I was hoping and dreaming to become when I graduated college. I look back at who I was before I left in August. I looked beyond that and to who I was exactly one year ago when I was 23 turning 24. Where I was, how happy was I? who was with me? Here is the question which kills me the most: What if before you left in August, you were at the end of a crappy, stressful and hard time? What if you quit right when things were about to get better? I guess I will never know, and it is probably better that way despite the fact that I feel so lost right now.

I turn 25 in 1 week and 1 day. I bought a book a few years ago about people who go through their 'quarterlife crisis.' The feelings of direction, social standing, work-life balance, issues of where one ought to be at this point all coming together. I do not know if I am going through a quarterlife crisis. I do not feel trapped, in fact I feel like I have a lot of options right now. There are so many ways to look at things. I am just so sick of the whole 'blah' phase.

Friday, November 17, 2006

The Fire Within

Something interesting happens to you when you change perspectives. Old goals do not seem so enticing anymore, old habits seem to be holding you down. For me what sticks out the most was my desire and want to go back to Bangkok, Thailand. I believe that my obsession with Bangkok has ended. I still love that city and I would go back in a heartbeat if I could, but my focus is no longer on it anymore.

I traced the outlines of countries I have lived in and visited throughout my life on a map and I realized how little I have seen. Do not get me wrong I know and appreciate the fact that I have been to many places and that I am lucky to have done so, but for me it is not enough. The world still has so much more to offer. The experiences I would have in those other places may not be as powerful as the experiences I had in Thailand but, why assume that? To assume so is to assume that life has nothing to offer but the past.

I cannot believe that for the longest time of my life I just wanted to go back to Bangkok and expect everything to be great again. How could I have been so naïve to think that? The answer lies within the fact that powerful experiences are much like powerful drugs; they are addictive and leave you wanting more. It is not the place necessarily that I was so enamored with but the experiences I developed there. As I said, Bangkok has a very special place in my heart, and I would love to go back even for just a visit, but I am no longer fighting for it. If that possibility crosses my path then I shall take it, otherwise I will look elsewhere. The world is huge and I think I want to dedicate my life trying to see as much of it as I can.

There are quite a few places I want to visit and there are a few places I am scared to visit. One place in particular is Rio DeJaniero. Why? I am scared because I know I will fall in love with the place, it would be so hard for me to leave. It has all the elements of life that I adore; metropolitan setting, beautiful people with partying in their DNA, tropical environment, beautiful hills, chaos, and beaches. I can already imagine it, the warm air on my face as soon as I walk out of the airport, the chaos of a big city in a third world, the cabbies waving you towards their cab and all the faces, all the beautiful faces looking at you with eyes so inquisitive. The nature of their inquisition remains to be revealed, but nevertheless the sense of being somewhere different overpowering you with every pass of their gaze.

There are so many places I want to go; Maldives, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Iran, Egypt, Kenya, South Africa, Brazil, Peru, Galapagos Islands, Chile, Argentina, Jamaica, Japan, China, St. Lucia, St. Martin, Spain, Portugal, Monte Carlo, Malaysia, Borneo, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, Morocco, Cote d’Ivoire, Laos, Burma, Macau, Venezuela, Columbia, Iceland, Norway, Canada, Saudi Arabia….the list goes on and on and on….once I run out of countries there is always Antarctica….and then the moon.

Travel is my passion. To me it is people, culture, and life all rolled into one big sushi roll ready for me to devour. I cannot get enough of it.

Passion can be a real bitch though can’t it? It has the power to override logic and throw your plans into oblivion whenever it feels like it. It is much like Life’s secret agent whom it planted within you. I have only been back for roughly two months and I yearn to break the bonds that hold me down. The spirit that resides within gets restless and anxious as the days go by.

It is very hard to direct the free spirit within myself. I know that once I am able to focus it I am capable of accomplishing anything I want in my life. It burns within me everyday, scratching away at the chains which hold him down. It is so hard to control this inner spirit. It is strange to write about it because it really is like its own entity at times. It is almost as if I literally have two sides to myself, one that wishes to keep things stable and controlled and the other is this fire that just burns and every opportunity for it to fly away, it will take. In the middle of this is my brain, who has the unfortunate task of mediating between the two.

It is even harder to control my spirit when I have a new perspective on life and all the old chains can no longer hold me back. It just wants to Go! Go!! Go!!! The problem is that it is never that easy, there is so much to clean up before I can even consider doing such a thing.
I look around my workplace. I look at the people I work with and try to get a sense of the fire within them. All I see is a want to settle down and a need for a sense of ‘normalcy.’ The idea of leaving the US is so foreign to them, they get goose bumps thinking about a life without TiVo, Grey’s Anatomy, Monday Night Football and NCAA anything. Imagine not being able to see the latest Hollywood blockbuster until six months after its premier! What about fashion?!?! This is where I start to laugh, fashion here is horrible, sure NY is a fashion power center, but no one else dresses like that unless they are in NY. People are a lot more creative and lot more open to creativity (which is conducive to a fashionable society) outside of these borders. In any case, I look at my coworkers and the cages that they have created for themselves. It is totally a psychological cage, and one which I don’t want to be a resident in. They created it, made it shiney and attractinve to others, and they would feel so insecure not having it around. It is almost like the Stockholm syndrome; they totally fell in love with their captors.

I am walking an extremely narrow line as I type. I have this extreme need to just go. Just leave everything behind that I know and let it fall to pieces. Give up all of these luxuries that control a lot of people’s lives. I need to go on my crusade, a crusade to save myself from all the crap that surrounds me here. I have obligations to people, to family and to myself to succeed in life. I need to fulfill those obligations, but success is not imminent upon that completion. Success is only possible within myself and to conquer myself I need to satisfy my life’s needs, my passion.

'Tear Down Thy House, Build A Ship!
Abandon Thy Possessions, Seek Thou Life!'
- The Epic of Gilgamesh

Friday, November 10, 2006


Tonight I lost someone close to me. Tonight She drove off with Patsy. I will never see Patsy again, my sunshine has dwindled away into the horizon and merged with the beautiful sunset in my heart along with Her. Like the little boy and girl walking into the stars, they wade through the water and become one with my memories. Over the past few days since she left my apartment I realized that I can no longer be a part of her world as any character. She cannot let go and grow with me around. I want to hold on to the good things that I had left from our time together and being a part of her world right now just brushes away at those fond memories like sand paper on wood. With each stroke more pieces fly into the wind. This song reminds me of her and is the soundtrack I have chosen to remember her by...

What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love,
No not just for some but for everyone.

...there will always be a special place for her in my heart, but I cannot sacrifice myself everytime she needs it. It hurts too much to give and give and in return I get pain...

What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love,
No, not just for some but for everyone. feelings for her are not that of a lover, not anymore. I know that inside she is a great person. Somehow I know that we are still going to be close, that even though we will not be friends anymore and not talk or see each other again for a long long time, she would be someone who did care for me and someone I will never forget...

Lord, we don't need another mountain,
There are mountains and hillsides enough to climb
There are oceans and rivers enough to cross,
Enough to last till the end of time.

...I know it may seem like I still want Her sweet embrace again, as if though I yearned for what we had. In truth it is the fact that we shared a lot together in five years and it is very hard to let go of someone that you shared a lot of emotion with during those five years. I wish this did not end this way because I really wanted a strong friendship...

What the world needs now is love, sweet love
No, not just for some but for everyone.

...she is out of my life now and I am out of hers. I do not know if we will ever be chracters in the stories of our lives again. This book has ended and it is time to move to the next one. I know I have been saying that a lot but this time, this time it really is happening...

What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love,
No, not just for some, oh, but just for
Every, every, everyone.

Lyrics By: Burt Bacharach and the Posies
Performed By (in my mind): Tara Kocourek
Photo: "One Last Picture"
Photo By: S. Tobler
Notes on Photo: This is the last picture of Her and I that was taken and the first (and last) picture of us together as friends.

Monday, November 06, 2006

'HA HA HAs' and Their Consequences

Noun1.mynah bird - tropical Asian starlings -
glossy black Asiatic starling often taught to mimic speech

I love making people laugh. It feels so good to see people’s faces explode into laughter. It is funny how many situations laughter can get you in and out of. It is so universal that it transcends any language. It is also a kind of social grouping mechanism. If you laugh together or by yourself, it sends a message to people. It even comes down to the kind of laugh that you have. Do you have an annoying laugh? A funny one? Infectious? All of the above perhaps? I have been told that my laugh is almost like a comic book laugh in that you can almost see the bubble and the words. At least that is what I have been told. I know one person who laughs with the back of their throat making a kind of rough K added to a Shhh like, kshh shh shh shh shh. It is interesting to say the least.

Laughing expressions are great too. Some people cover up their mouths, some have wide open mouths but no sound emanates from it. Some people look like they are crying when they laugh really hard. I have another friend who cannot breathe if I make him laugh to the point where it hurts his stomach. What I have yet to come across though is someone losing ‘control’ of certain bodily functions while laughing. I mean, I know some people who have farted from laughing so hard. That is just hilarious and just adds to the humor…and causes people to run for cover.

The cultural aspect of laughing is pretty interesting to me. I am half Filipino and laughter is a big cultural thing in the Philippines. If you cannot take a joke I highly recommend not going there or at the very least leave your egos behind (that should be pretty standard for any traveling anyway). In the same light, make sure you can crack a joke as well. Jokes in the Philippines are very witty, word change/double meanings etc. So the faster you are and the more observant you are the funnier you tend to be. In the end you would be more accepted there as well. I actually have a funny story about a family member….

Everyone has their own style of laughing. I have a Filipino ‘uncle’ (more like second cousin but I called him uncle) named Elmer, and he has such a unique and infectious laugh. You know, the kind that if you hear it you cannot help but laugh as well, or cannot bear to listen to if the joke was at your expense. It either cracks you up or gets under your skin. In the Metro-Manila area where he lives called Passay City, across the street from his home, a neighbor has a Myna Bird.

These particular birds have the ability to mimic what you say better than most parrots I believe, but not as cunning of a linguist as an African Grey. ANYWAY, this particular bird heard my uncle’s laugh so many times, and my uncle’s laugh being so unique and very memorable, the bird can now laugh just like him. Almost exactly like him. The funniest part is that people would call out his name in a very loud, very Filipino manner and the bird would respond using Elmer’s laugh. You have to understand that Filipinos (even the mestisos like me) have a natural ability to get loud. Filipino women have amazing vocal cords… just come over to my family’s place for dinner you will see.

One night, one of the elder female members of the neighborhood was looking for Elmer. She thought he was out and about getting drunk at the neighbors place when in fact he was watching a movie at a friend's house. She did not like that thought at all. This particular elder did not know about the Mynah bird. She calls out his name a couple of times:

No response, once again
Still nothing, a little more drawn out this time.


In response she hears his laugh about 20 meters away. Feeling a bit insulted she cries out
‘ELMER! Umuwi ka na lasingero!’
Which translates to
‘ELMER! Come home now you drunkard!’
Once again she hears that laugh, it gets under skin, she cannot stand hearing it. The blood rushes to her head and the Filipina Phoenix rises from within.
Translation =
She picks up a ‘Walis Tingting’ (bristle broom; twigs put together to make a broom) and starts to march towards the laughter ready to use it like a Louisville Slugger.
‘Bubogbugin kita! Akala mo sino ka….’
(I’m going to beat you up! Who do you think you are….?’)
It was at that point that she reaches the street and realizes that she was marching towards her neighbor’s front steps where the bird, looking at her with dark beady eyes, its bright orange beak giving it a comical expression, looks at her as if begging for her to keep playing this game. She lowers her weapon, but ever so cautiously, her big brown eyes darting left and right searching for any sign of human presence.

The neighbors turn on their lights and stick their heads out of their windows both curious and annoyed at this lady screaming profanities in the middle of the night, in the middle of the street. Although not an uncommon sight in Passay it was still quite a sight. She was in her ‘Duster’ (I have no idea what that is in English…its like a gown I guess) and a hair net. The embarrassment sinks in and she makes her way back to her house when suddenly she hears that laugh again…it wasn’t the bird, it is too far. Sure enough my uncle came home, walking calmly smiling. He sees her waiting in the middle of the street. In her gown, a hairnet and a Walis tingitng. The look on her face so indignant.
He burst out laughing at the sight of her. That laugh, that laugh which caused her so much touble. The Mynah bird joins in the chorus. It was like laughing in a tunnel, the laughter echoed in her ears. She cannot contain herself anymore, he is greeted to a lovely beating. She took the Walis tingting to him so hard and so fast he did not have enough time to question her wrath. He screams in a comedic semi-protest, laughing the whole while:
'Aray! Ang sakit! Ano ba ang problema mo?
Para ka namang Nanay ko! Hoy Tama na! Ang sakit!
(Ouch! That hurts! What is you problem?
You are acting like my mom! Stop it already! That hurts)
His infectious-annoying laugh just fuels her on...
'Sige, tumawa ka ng tawa! Tumawa ka ngayon!'
(Go ahead, keep laughing! Laugh now!)
.....he has no choice but to run away.
Her wrath existed not because he was late or belligerent, because his laugh cost her some shame. The neighbors giggled, turned off their lights, closed their windows and receded into their quiet darkness.

One time, I was in southern Java, Indonesia. I was sitting on a beach I had visited previously on a school trip. The area was called Pangandaran. This time around I was travelling wth my father and his friend. It was a beautiful place filled with so much life and vegetation. As I sat on the beach this person comes up to me and starts talking to me in Javanese. I speak Bahasa but not Javanese. He was a comical looking guy with black teeth (from chewing Beetle Nut) and crazy hair. He had not shaved in weeks, which to a western man is the equivalent of a 3 o’clock shadow. His eyes were wide and full of energy and grew even more as he told his story. I caught bits and pieces of his story, flashing a smile here and there to show my interest and to not disprespect him.
His story came to a climax and then he bursts out laughing. I laugh with him because this guy just looks so silly and yet so genuine. His big brown eyes turned into a fold amongst many folds on his face. His semi-toothless smile bearing all black teeth in full display. Hands in the air and bellowing like no one's business. On some level we were communicating, I am not sure exactly on which level but it existed. He told me to follow him, so I did (not always the wisest thing to do). He took me around a cove to a small inlet, a tiny beach where you could barely fit my entire eith grade class shoulder to shoulder. There was no one there. Clear water, white sand and a coral reef. It must have been overlooked by the tourists or just simply too small for them to even care. The beach had no use for locals simply because you could not access the beach via a boat. It was like my private beach. It was great and all I did was laugh. My 'friend' showed me where what was, where not to go and how to get back. Afterwhich he left me to my beach and disappeared into the jungle. At that point I thought to myself, 'Good thing all you have is a room number...' I spent the rest of the day on my own and watched the sunset. I never saw him again…Pangandaran was recently hit hard by a Tsunami, not the huge one, it was another, smaler one, but nevertheless deadly. I hope my 'friend' is alright. I wonder if that small beach still exists...
Everytime I think of people I try to remember how they laugh. I like to think I remember people by their smiles and laughter. It is my favorite way of connecting with people. I have been doing this thing I read about in a book by Malcom Gladwell called Blink. At one point of the book he talks about how a couple of scientists found that feeling happy triggers smiles and vice versa. Yup, if you smile you will eventually feel happy. So I have been trying to do so...and it works. At first I semi-laughed at myself because you feel like and idiot smiling all the time. Eventually I started to notice that it did work, I have more good days because of it. I recommend you try it. People will remember you better.

Image from

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Universe vs Me

Me Serving,

I have this ongoing, never ending tennis match with the universe. Whenever I decide to make a decision which has a great impact on my life the universe decides to come back with a tougher response or setting. When I choose to quit smoking it is not at the most convenient time, emotionally-making it a harder challenge. When I decide to keep an eye out of who I surround myself with and mind who may real friends are, I find that I am picking and choosing at a time where I should be surrounding myself with people just to keep my mind off of things. I get my points in though. Sometimes the universe gives a lot my way.

Universe Serving

Someone from my past "found" me. She was a good friend of mine in Jakarta, Indonesia while attending middle school. What a fucked up much emotion mixed with hormones. Throw in rebellion, dislike of social norms and school dances = a cocktail of pure youth. It is a shot, a rough one at know the ones that do not go down Absolut. It is not a drink, like beer, which lasts longer. This type of youth is a shot; it lasts a very short time, fucks you up and you find yourself ordering more. Unlike beer, which is definately older, you enjoy it a bit longer. Sometimes you have a beer and you say to yourself, 'hey! lets have a shot! For old time's sake!' that is called reminicing youth. Yes, drinks can transport you back in time (at least it would seem like it at the moment) but it is the ride back that kicks you in the nuts- aka the hangover.

Me Serving

So this person finds me right, and I am thinking 'what timing!' I mean, it is a bit odd for me to think of her to be reading all of this stuff (after not having talked in...god knows...over 8 years?). IF YOU ARE READING THIS NOW GO TO THE COMMENTS OF THE LAST POSTING AND CONTACT ME SO I CAN PREFACE ALL OF THIS!! (.....or you can go to first and read the 'Raison D'etre' posting for some small background on the current situation).

Universe Serving

So she catches me at a pivotal point in my life much like the time we first met. When I lived in Jakarta I was going through some big changes. Seeds were planted there which eventually blossomed in Bangkok. It is so funny because we were so into the '90s Seattle music thing and she finds me after posting lyrics from a Pearl Jam song! I no longer listen to them as religiously, in fact I really don't listen to them much unless, well, I am at a time of significant chage....odd? Spock what is your analysis? 'Given the circumstances these so called 'anomalies' which you humans refer to as 'fate' are explained by pure probability. You see...' Yes thank you Spock..

Me Serving
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